The Many Ways YouTube Marketing Can Help Businesses

The world has changed, and so has the way that businesses market themselves. Gone are the days of print and TV ads, replaced by the internet and YouTube. In this post, we’ll explore how YouTube can provide a number of benefits for your business that other mediums cannot.

Targeted Reach

Targeted reach allows you to target specific audiences, such as those interested in your product or service. This can be done through the use of keywords, which are words that people use when searching for products and services like yours. If a potential customer is searching for “web design” on YouTube, then your video should pop up as an option for them to watch because it’s relevant to their search terms.

Targeting a specific audience also helps businesses save money when advertising their products or services online. Instead of paying more money overall by reaching out to everyone who might possibly be interested in what you’re selling (a strategy known as mass marketing), targeted campaigns allow businesses only pay for ads that would likely appeal most directly towards potential customers’ needs–saving valuable time and money!

Cost-Effective Approach

One of the biggest benefits of using YouTube marketing is that it’s free. You don’t have to pay anything for your account or video creation, which means you can get started right away and not worry about any upfront costs.

Additionally, video ads are much cheaper than other forms of advertising–especially in comparison to print or TV ads. You’ll also be able to target specific audiences with your videos by using keywords or targeting based on location (if you’re selling a local product).

Superior Visibility

YouTube is the second largest search engine, and it’s used by millions of people every day to find information. It’s also one of the biggest social networks in existence, with more than one billion users every month. And if you haven’t heard yet: YouTube is now available on mobile devices!

In short, this means that if your business wants to reach potential customers via video marketing (and who doesn’t?), then YouTube marketing is an excellent place to start.

More Engagement

Engagement is a great way to get customers to buy. It’s also an effective way to get them on your website, where you can convert them into leads and then eventually sales.

And it can help you collect customer feedback that will help improve the quality of your products or services. In fact, if a customer has been engaged enough with what they’re seeing on YouTube that they’ve subscribed for future updates from your brand (or channel), then engagement has done its job well!


The Demographic Breakdown Of YouTube Users

If you’re on YouTube, you may have noticed that the platform has a very diverse audience. You’ll find everything from cooking tutorials to gaming videos and music videos. In this article, you will learn some of the different demographics on YouTube based on age groups so you can understand what types of viewers tend to gravitate towards certain types of content on the site.

Young People

YouTube is the most popular social media site for young people. 96% of 18- to 24-year-old people use it, compared to just 9% who use other sites. And while older users may be more likely to watch YouTube videos in general (76%), those under 35 are much more likely than older generations to view gaming or entertainment content on the platform (91%).

Teens and Millennials

Teens are the generation that tends to use YouTube for entertainment purposes, followed by music, gaming, and education. This makes sense because as a teen you’re probably not as interested in learning about new ways to grow your business or improve your job performance as you are in watching funny videos of cats falling off chairs.

Tweens And Young Kids

Kids in the age range called “tweens” are always watching fun YouTube videos. Tween is derived from “between” and has become a synonym for preteen or adolescent.

It’s common for people in their 20s or 30s to say things like “That YouTube show was made for tweens” or “I’m trying not to be too much of a mommy blogger anymore – I want my blog posts about YouTube fashion trends and makeup tips aimed at teenage girls who are just starting high school,” clearly reflecting their YouTube preference.


Adults are the largest group of YouTube users, representing about two-thirds of all active users. They’re also the most likely group to use YouTube for entertainment and education purposes, but they’re not as likely as younger demographics to use it for news.

While adults watch more videos on their smartphones than other age groups, they tend to do so less frequently than teens and young adults.

The Elderly

Elderly people are more likely to use YouTube than any other age group. The elderly tend to use the platform for entertainment and companionship, but they also make up a significant portion of YouTube users who use it for educational purposes.

It’s no surprise that older people are drawn to YouTube since they often feel isolated and alone, so they turn to social media as an outlet. This makes sense considering how much time older people spend watching TV and movies in their free time.

And since most movies shown today come from Hollywood studios, it’s easy for elderly viewers to find new content on the popular video-sharing platform through their favorite channels like today’s most popular late-night shows!
